Accessing your point of sale data

At any moment, you can consult/modify your point of sale data.
Here, below, are the different steps necessary to view your point of sale data:
  1. Place your cursor on the 'My Account' tab
  2. A drop-down menu is displayed
  3. Click on 'My point of sale data'
  4. The page containing all your point of sale data appears
The point of sale data comprises:
  1. Your point of sale code to communicate to your distributor to allow your parts orders to be processed.
  2. The VAT rate that you have applied to your labour
  3. The labour rate that you invoice for each operation
You can configure your VAT rate aswell as your labour rate to produce your quote according to the operations described in the documentation ' Methods/Time Scale'.
Your printable estimate will be available in the Basket.
The 'Methods/Time Scale' documentation is a chargeable service accessible via the 'Subscribed Services' tab.

For more information concerning the Time/Method Scale documentation, the Basket and the method required to produce estimates, go to the specific help for the two subjects.

Modify your VAT rate

Here below are the various steps needed to modify your VAT rate:
  1. Go to the page 'My point of sale data'. (For more information on accessing the page, see the previous paragraph).
  2. Click in the field corresponding to the VAT rate (second frame on the page)
  3. Enter your rate
  4. Click on the 'Save' button on the right of the entry field.

Manage your labour rates

You have the possibility to add, modify or delete your labour rates
If you wish to add a rate, here are the actions you need to take:
  1. Go to the page 'My point of sale data'. (For more information on accessing this page, see the paragraph 'Accessing your point of sale data').
  2. Click on the 'Add' button (third window on the page)
  3. Three new entry fields appear
  4. Fill in the first field: code (for example M1,T1,...). The code must correspond to the type of work described in the Time/Methods Scale documentation. You can retrieve this code in the Time Scale form which is displayed when you select an operation to perform on part of a vehicle. The code is displayed on the form in the column 'Rate'. For more information, you can go back to specific help in the 'Time/Methods Scale' documentation.
  5. Fill in the second field: Wording The wording is your correct description of the operation.
  6. Fill in the last field: price, which corresponds to the price that you charge for this operation.
  7. Click on the 'Validate' button underneath the entry fields.
If you wish to modify a labour rate, please complete the following steps:
  1. Go to the page 'My point of sale data'. (For more information on accessing this page, see the paragraph 'Accessing your point of sale data').
  2. Click in the labelled field or in the price field of the rate you wish to modify
  3. Make your correction
  4. The 'Selection' box to be ticked corresponds to the rate automatically ticked
  5. Repeat the operation for all the rates that you wish to modify
  6. Click on the 'Update' button All of the modifications made for the selected labour rates will be saved.
If you wish to delete the labour rates, here are the actions you need to take:
  1. Go to the page 'My point of sale data'. (For more information on accessing this page, see the paragraph 'Accessing your point of sale data').
  2. Tick the 'Selection' box which corresponds to the labour rate you wish to delete.
  3. Repeat the operation for all of the rates that you wish to delete
  4. Click on the 'Delete' button which can be found under the list of your labour rates.