Accessing your personal data

At any point, you can consult/modify your personal data (surname and first name of registration, address,...).
Here below are the different steps needed to be able to look at your personal data:
  1. Place your cursor on the 'My Account' tab
  2. A drop-down menu is displayed
  3. Click on 'My personal data'
  4. The page comprising of all your personal data is displayed

Modifying your personal data

You can modify certain items of personal data directly on-line.
Here are the different steps you must take to modify your personal data:
  1. Go to the page 'My personal data'. (For more information on access to the page, see the previous paragraph)
  2. Click in the field to be modified and enter the corresponding information.
  3. Repeat this process for all the information that you wish to modify.
  4. Click on the 'Validate' button to register your modifications. If the information entered does not correspond to our verification criteria, an error message will be displayed at the top of the page You will also need to correct any incorrect fields and click again on the 'Validate' button
Neither your profile nor your country can be modified on-line. If you must make a change to this information, please ask for assistance.
The details for obtaining assistance are available by clicking on the link 'Contact' in the top right of your screen.