Conditions for accessing subscribed services

The subscribed services group together all of the documentation reserved for those users having a paid subscription.
If you have not signed up to a subscription or it has expired, padlocks are displayed in front of the access documentation links.
If you select a locked document, you will automatically be redirected to the subscription page.

You may look at the history and the current state of your subscriptions. For more information, go to help 'Consult the history of your subscriptions' in the section 'Manage your client account'.

Accessing the subscription page

For certain documentation, the subscription can be applied for directly on-line, for some others, it is necessary to complete and resend an order slip
The various actions required to access the subscription page are the following:
  1. Place your cursor on the subscription tab
  2. A menu list appears with the available chargeable documents listed
  3. Select the documentation you wish to subscribe to
  4. The subscription page relating to your documentation opens

Subscribing on-line

Each subscription corresponds to the time period for which you can freely access the information (it does not relate to the duration of connection).
The date retained for the start of your subscription will be that of your first consultation of one of the chargeable elements of the site.
The various steps needed to sign up to subscriptions on-line are as follows:
  1. Select the length of subscription you require
  2. Select your means of payment
  3. Click on the link 'I have read and understood the general conditions of sale and I accept the terms'. The general conditions of sale are displayed in a new window
  4. Tick the box 'I have read and understood the general conditions of sale'
  5. Click on the Validate button
  6. The secure on-line payment page is displayed
  7. Select your payment card type
  8. Enter your card number, expiry date and the 3 digit security code which can be found on the security strip on the back of your card
  9. Click on the Validate button
  10. The site's home page opens and you can look at the chargeable documentation to which you have subscribed. You will receive by mail the invoice corresponding to your subscription

You have the possibility to look at your subscriptions directly on the website All of your invoices are kept for 12 months. For more information, go the help ' Consult your invoices' in the section 'Manage your client account'.

Subscribe by order slip/voucher

The various steps needed to subscribe to documentation by order voucher are as follows:
  1. Click on the link 'Download your order voucher'.
  2. A speech window opens, click on the 'Register' button
  3. Choose a folder on your computer in which to save the file
  4. Click on the 'Register' button
  5. A new speech window opens and displays the progress of the download
  6. Once the download has finished, a final speech window opens, click on the 'Open' button
  7. The order voucher in Excel format opens
  8. Fill in the order voucher and send it by fax to the number given
  9. Your request will be dealt with as quickly as possible