Accessing registration

The link to the registration page can be found under the connection field in the middle of the login page
Registration involves 4 steps which must be followed in succession If you shut down your computer or close your Internet page during registration, registration will not be successful You must re-start the process
Before continuing with your registration, please bear in mind the information concerning the site contents, tariff and payment, the legal references aswell as the general conditions of sale.
These documents are available on the login page, on the right of the screen

Registration for the site is totally free.

First step: Choose your profile

If you are a professional or if you are registering in your professional capacity we advise you to choose your profile carefully, your parts ordering will be made much easier

The different actions to allow you to choose your profile are as follows:
  1. Click on the button which corresponds to your profile.
  2. The button turns black
  3. Click on the 'Validate' button to go to the next step
You have to choose from the 3 profiles on offer :
  1. Auto-repairer professional if your profession is that of auto repairs
  2. Other auto professional if your profession relates to autos, but you are not a repairer ( e.g. equipment supplier ).
  3. Other professional if your profession is not in autos, but you need to access the services in our Internet site ( e.g. students, agencies, big fleets ).

Second step Completing the registration form

You must attach particular importance to filling in the form
The email address that you have given us will be used in order to send you your logon codes aswell as your invoices if you use the chargeable services
Your physical address will be used for the printing of your invoices
We recommend european professionals to fill in their inter-community code It is also recommended that french professionals enter their SIRET number

A single client account cannot be opened by email address

The various steps necessary to complete the form are as follows:
  1. Click in the field to be completed and enter the corresponding information The required fields appear in grey, but it is recommended that all of the fields are filled in.
  2. Do the same for each piece of information requested
  3. Click on the 'Validate' button to move to the next step If the information entered does not correspond to our verification criteria, an error message will be displayed at the top of the page You will also need to correct any incorrect fields and click again on the 'Validate' button

Third step: Validation of a registration form

A new page is displayed with a summary of the information you have entered.
  1. If the information is correct, continue with the registration by clicking on the 'Validate' button
  2. If the information displayed is not correct, click on the button 'Cancel' in order to correct the incorrect fields.

Fourth step: Registration confirmation

A message confirming your registration is displayed
At this stage, an email containing your logon codes is sent to you
You can get to the login screen by clicking on the link 'To access Service Box, please return to the login screen by clicking here.or click on the link 'Return to login page' at the top right of the screen, in order to connect.
Enjoy your visit !